Hi Swan....Just put yours in the mail today.. I had one about Jesus and one about peace...
Thought you might like the peace one better~ Oggy
if anyone wants to swap send me a pm (yeah, i know i'm running behind lol).
Hi Swan....Just put yours in the mail today.. I had one about Jesus and one about peace...
Thought you might like the peace one better~ Oggy
as most of you know, i've been in bed with flu for a few days, and though i'm a bit better today, i'm still feeling very weak, but i'm just about up to an hours' posting.
i've missed you all so much, and want to thank you for all the good wishes you sent me for a speedy recovery.
i honestly think i've been shown more love from people on this board who i've never met than many jws that i knew for over 20 years.
Glad you are feeling better..
here is a point to ponder:.
when john was instructed to write letters to the seven churches (rev.
1 - 3) as to "what is now and what will take place" (1:19) why were not the members of those bad churches advised "get out of her, my people?
Hi Pap and Nark:
Yet another evidence that "Babylon the Great" has little to do with "religion," especially Christian.
Yes, I agree, Babylon the Great is a world power..like it was the 1st time around.. IMO...US.
But do you have any incite as to what the 7 congs represent in our day?? I'm still wondering on that??? I like your point Pap.. about how we aren't supposed to flee the group but overcome and conquer..
i was feeling a bit guilty about celebrating as this is my 1st year out and i know the history of all the holidays and birthdays are pagan or bloody or idolatrous.. .
but i was thinking that it's not what someone made them in the past but what they are right now.. to us, at this moment.
am i going to sit down on thanksgiving.. and say, "i hate those indians, think i'll go kill some"..????
Deleted: Jesus celebrating the festival of lights>>? Are you refering to something in the bible..or just the fact that he was a Jew and followed the traditions of the mosaic law??
the society's completely nonsensical and contradictory stance on when god's kingdom comes is really brought home in this awake!
the dec 06 awake ("jesus - who was he") has as it's second article "the life he makes possible" (referring to jesus).
in that article is the subheading "evidence god's kingdom is near" which reads as follows:
Terry and friends.. you guys are funny
Truth is the WT has NO idea how the kingdom is going to come or when.. as they DON'T HAVE GOD'S SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!!
Math. 24:48 "but if ever that evil slave should say in his heart, 'My master is delaying,' and should start to beat his fellow slaves and should eat and drink with the confirmed drunkards, the master of that slave will come on a day that he does not expect and in an hour that he does not know.'
i know the witnesses changed their 'generation' definition in 1995 to get away from being tied down to the literal generation of people who saw 1914.. but applying their definition of the word to matthew 24:34 makes the verse meaningless, regardless of whether the original text grammatically allows for their interpretation.
there is no point in saying "this generation will by no means pass away" if 'generation' merely refers to an attitude of people which may remain the same for any ongoing period of time.. there is simply no point in saying it unless it was intended to refer specifically to a literal generation of people who were alive at the time.
of course, there is no validity to their 1914 doctrine anyway, but nevertheless, they are inextricably stuck with it..
In most of the dictionaries, I looked up Generation in, it means, for the most part:
A span of time is as long as the time, from a child being born, to the time when he is of child-bearing age..
around 20 years or so..
That's it, not 92 years~~~~!!!!!!!!
i have read some of bush's talks about fighting for freedom.
in essence i think the term freedom as used by the president has a very very narrow application namely: democracy verses dictatorship.. do you think that bush's use of the word freedom as his reasons for invading another country, a acurate term or just more government propaganda?.
Glad you posted the letter on Michael Moore.com..from him tonight. I encourage all to read it.. Very right on!!!!!
i was feeling a bit guilty about celebrating as this is my 1st year out and i know the history of all the holidays and birthdays are pagan or bloody or idolatrous.. .
but i was thinking that it's not what someone made them in the past but what they are right now.. to us, at this moment.
am i going to sit down on thanksgiving.. and say, "i hate those indians, think i'll go kill some"..????
Dear Observer:
You are right, anything can be proved or disproved if you look at the bible from different angles.. I do still love the bible.. but reallize it has been changed somewhat throught the years and shouldn't become an idol, to us. We must use our power of reason, as well. I am realizing now..after 26 years as a witness, that things in the bible, I would have bet my life on, are a wrong interpretation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
So, I appreciate your point..
i was feeling a bit guilty about celebrating as this is my 1st year out and i know the history of all the holidays and birthdays are pagan or bloody or idolatrous.. .
but i was thinking that it's not what someone made them in the past but what they are right now.. to us, at this moment.
am i going to sit down on thanksgiving.. and say, "i hate those indians, think i'll go kill some"..????
This has been soooo theraputic for me, listening to all the great comments. You have no idea..! I was a witness through my 3 children's whole childhood. As I result, they have lost out on the family strength (like aunts, uncles, grandparents ).. and they got into drugs.. They are just now starting to come out of it..as they are in their late 20's and early 30's. I wouldn't go to any birthday, or holiday..and was afraid to visit much anyways, as they were chain smokers and 'worldly'. And these really great children, across the street, (who turned out to be angels), I would say, they were worldly. I would try to stop them from playing with them. Instead I had them play with the witness kids, who all went wild.. Real smart. So, being a witness has had ramifications so big in my life.. it's not funny. Seems so weird after 26 years that things are healing a little.. WHAT A CULT!!!!!!
eprinted from the book, refuting jehovah's witnessessee catalog.
holidaysby randall watters.
biblicaloverviewthere are a number of religious groups claiming to be christian that deny the celebration of holidays to their members, including christmas, easter, birthdays, mother's day, etc.
Hi DogPatch..
Wow, you wrote this. great. I printed it out and read it..
Here's the thing I would always tell myself about pagan things.. I would say, if it was in connection with religion.. Anything pagan was wrong.. But if it was in connection with anything else then it was okay. I guess that's how I justified it.. Now, though, I tend to agree with your summise.
I enjoyed your point on idols. As I've only been out for a year and half.. and have been very afraid of idols.. like crosses. We are free now.. and we know that it's our attitude to the cross or whatever.. not the object itself. Again it's the (well, people worshipped that thousands of years ago).. But what would it be in our society right now...? That's the point, right?
I also like your point about 3 birthdays in the bible. As far as that goes. It's possible if you examined history, there may have been people knifed or shot on graduation or anniversary parties.. Should we never celebrate it for that reason.?
I had to laugh at this one guy on my thread saying, JW's are killjoys.. yeah, that sums it up.
I am newly realizing that it is okay to worship Christ.. so liked point 3.
Idolatry is a problem with the heart.. I liked that also.
Loved your point about I Cor. 8... and the meat being sacrificed to an idol ..but not to question.
I thought of a scripture:
Perfect love throws fear outside. 1 John 4:18
Good job!